My first hypothetical, the one that has been driving me crazy since childhood is:
Infinity, Chaos, and Randomness
It is my contention that these do not exist except as markers of ignorance, and, that is their only value. In essence, as understanding increases the bounds of infinity are moved to new borders of superstition. There aren’t an infinite number of grains of sand on the beach at Genoa, nor, an infinite number of stars and, doubtfully, an infinite number of angels on the head of a pin.
To accept any of these concepts as mathematical certainties converts the law of “cause and effect”, to theory. Thus, it should be unacceptable in practice in Newtonian, Einsteinian or quantum physics, to refer to these concepts as other than place holders. Only in certain irrational numbers such as Pi is infinity observable in the natural universe and even here intuition holds that a culminating number exists; since we continue to search for it.
Similarly, chaos and randomness can not be observed in nature, rather systems are invariably proven to be sequential results of cause regardless of size or scale, though we may choose to call them random or chaotic for convenience. This may be a disservice to both current and future inquisitors in that accepting such convenience may preclude or ignore reality delaying truth: as in accepting the will of God precluded finding a cause and therefore a cure for Black Death.
Markers they are, but of ignorance? I think it's been too long since we've talked.. you need my calming influence!! :)
I agree in your hypothesis that infinity is simply a word that describes that which we cannot, at this time, count.
I can remenber as a youth, and even at times as an adult, attempting to wrap my mind around the concept that the universe in infinite... I can't... it may be that my 'BB' brain just isn't big enough, but I can not comprehend something without an end. We (humans) simply believe it's infinite because we haven't, yet, found where, what we call, the universe, ends and what ever is next begins.
I'll save my thoughts on randomness, and chaos for our next philosophical discussion!!
Good to see you posting!!
Oh no! Not the Bayesian's...back to Las Vegas...again.
heh-heh... actually the big deal is in Boston this year... "TechEd"... but, as usual it's a bit pricey for my tastes and I don't see a lot of downstream cash in flow, so, I think I'm going to pass and use the time, and money for more pleasurable endeavors.
You know me though... chaos is my life!! :)
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